No-code Rules Engine for Customer Risk

Automated decision logic for fraud, compliance, credit and more – so you can react quickly and keep your company safe

At most companies, risk rules live in code or in legacy engines that only engineers can use. Risk teams have to wait for engineering help to add new rules, and engineers are stuck in support mode.
Sliderule helps free up engineers - and lets risk teams add new decision rules 75% faster.
No-code engine

Write, test, and deploy new decision rules in minutes

Say goodbye to multi-week waits to get updated rules into production, and blocking on engineering for every change
Data usage

Use all your data with our no-code connectors

Use our SQL connectors for your internal data and API connectors for vendors and models. Calculate new features on the fly.

Automate frequent actions and breeze through manual review

Integrated case management with links to your existing tools to take action quickly

Built-in analytics to optimize rules, and avoid unsafe changes

Backtesting, A/B testing, shadow mode and more to make sure your rules work as expected

Powering risk workflows at

Ready to get started?

Learn how to get set up with Sliderule in a day or less